Thursday, March 09, 2006 (yet another beautiful day)

At my speech in December at Tiger Stadium in Detroit the question kept coming up: "But where does the anger go?" And so I thought, today, I'd try to answer it.

Without getting too technical, the anger is reprocessed into a protein that is similar in texture to soy. My whole idea, and part of what I've charged the Dick Cheney Institute for Global Solutions with, is to figure out how to better use anger to help feed the tens of thousands of people in this world who go hungry every day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your efforts. I have been saving my anger for the right moment and it appears to be soon. Where can I send my anger?

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got pulled over by a cop this morning on my way into work. It really made me mad because I was only five miles above the speed limit and there were others doing far more. Thing is, though, Dick, (gosh, I feel so funny calling you that) I was going faster than the law allows and, like you say, sometimes anger is misplaced.

I guess my question or point is, even if anger is misplaced, can you still use it to help people in poor countries?

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy, In a few months we should have facilities up and running to recieve your anger. Until then, keep your anger in mason jars, preferrably in a dry, cool place like a basement or cellar.

And Nancy, like I said in Pittsburgh: anger is anger is anger.

Much love and transcendence,


5:40 PM  

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